Oh - I See!

I’ve had glasses in the past but until recently they seemed optional. I would lay them down only to find them months later, if ever! The reason I would lay them down? Besides the fact that they revealed an uneven fit (or maybe my ears are actually a little uneven), they would work well when I was looking at something in the distance but I would have to take them off to see anything in my close line of sight. The dizzying dance from focusing and refocusing soon became a contributor to the headaches I was trying to diminish. Naturally, I would take them off and think, “You can actually see just fine. Maybe you don’t need them after all”.


In more recent months, I started making little jokes as the extendo-arm stretch became more regular when I would check my phone. “Oh, would you look at that - i't’s happening”, I’d say and then strain to realign my focus. Soon, though, the little jokes turned into a regular point of commentary as I noticed the strain on my eyes becoming more pronounced. It was time to think of my eye health as part of my body’s whole health story and what I have learned along the way has been truly insightful!

Appointment Set!

I made my appointment for an in store eye exam with Dr. Kristi Taormina. The experience was fantastic in every way possible when I visited Warby Parker on King Street, downtown Charleston. I could not have asked for a more stream-lined, well organized, professional team of people from the moment I walked through the door. I was given the choice of a traditional eye exam with pupils dilated or retinal imaging. I chose retinal imaging in order to drive immediately afterwards but the numerous advantages to this option made it a clear choice.

What I Learned About Retinal Imaging: RI gives an incredibly high definition look at the inner back of your eye through digital imaging, providing a magnified reading of the retina, optic nerve and blood vessels inside the eye.

Why this is important: Early changes in eye health could reveal signs of glaucoma, diabetes related retinopathy, macular degeneration and retinal detachment among other concerns, sometimes before loss of vision occurs.

Longterm Bonus: It also allows this image to be uploaded for a clear comparison of any changes year to year when you come in for your next visit.

The major function of the retina

You can think of the retina as a communicator that transmits information to your brain. Photoreceptor cells in this layer of your eye receive light (photons) and transmit the incoming photons to your brain through neural pathways via chemical and electrical cues allowing your brain to perceive through imagery. I picture this route of relay as a sort of Technicolor Morris Code. While the retina is a layer of your eye, it actually belongs to your nervous system. If damaged, (ie: by detachment or poor health habits) a person could experience blurred/loss of vision, floaters or seeing flashes of light. While a doctor could help repair the retina prior to major concern, it is not considered regenerative which makes an annual eye exam so important!

It is important to note, healthy habits like eating a diet rich in minerals and antioxidants can support the cells of your retinal layer working so hard to shape your reality!

Down The Rabbit Hole

I don’t know if I’ve ever thought in detail about my eye health until this appointment. Primarily because I went into this exam perceiving my environment in one way, making subsequent decisions from there and left with a completely different picture! This includes very practical things like thinking it was difficult to park downtown when actually I was just feeling stressed as I strained to see clearly all the moving parts around me.

The following were my eye exam AHA moments…

(Bare with me if this concept is not new news for you!)

If light is captured by the retina to help “image” an object in our field of vision, could it be that, rather than shedding light on the object, whereby we see it, the translation is actually happening when the light hits the retina and the brain, taking an already present concept of the object forms it in our reality to match what we believe should be in that detail?

According to psychologist Dennis Proffitt and journalist Drake Baer, we live out our version of reality drawn by information of our environment, delivered to us in scale proportionate with our physical intake vehicle - our body! In Perception: How our Bodies Shape Our Minds, Proffitt and Baer describe how a mountain will look harder to climb for someone who is already burdened and easier for a physically fit being. In other words, if you view yourself as a small being in a giant world you will have a different gait than a person who sees themself as a giant in a small world. So much of our life seems to be shaped by shadow and light, contrast and texture, that to suggest one is a better skew than the other would be missing the joy of experiential value. But isn’t it nice to know where to find a key to perception change if you wanted it?

If our eyes have direct neural pathways to our brain and our brain carries out the directives of our beliefs married with our concepts of ability, it stands to reason there is much to learn when it comes to vision health.

As I walked back into the storefront after my eye exam, I was guided through the options for my perfect, face-framing fit.

Here is where I fell even more in love with Warby Parker. I could a) shop in store b) use my prescription to shop online or c) take my prescription to another maker…but why would I? Their spectacles are amazing! I opted for progressive lenses, which are perfect for me, with the Crystal Dominic frame. No more taking them off and laying them down unexpectedly! And as my eyes have adjusted well to this type of lens, I can easily use my prescription online to choose my summertime shades!

If you prefer to see your options in person for your first visit I highly recommend the team at Warby Parker King Street. They even helped me size my frames for a more perfect fit after they arrived in the mail. Or if you already have a recent prescription, go online and shop for yourself! It’s so easy to find and fill a pair that is perfect for you - and invest in your wellbeing!


On This Trip Around the Sun…


Happy Sweat Day