Living By Design

Living a custom-designed life may seem like a grand or lofty ideal, especially with the abundance of online posts and social media images that showcase amazing adventures and picturesque inspiration. Perhaps this is due to the sheer size and scale of what we can imagine, as well as what we can truly accomplish and experience. As life unfolds with me, I am discovering the joy of creating a path your heart knows is true and wishes to walk on, grows as you put the pieces together. What's even more exciting is that this is possible for anyone who dreams of designing their own life. What if expanding into life by design begins with a concept the size of a tiny seed? Can it grow, unfolding into a pathway lit by the treasures of your heart?

Living from your heart, in whatever colorful way you choose, can start right now with what you have available. From here, you can create more!

Making Space

I can always tell when life shifts are underway by the sudden urge I have to purge my closet and deep clean my refrigerator! I have gotten out of bed at night to make a giveaway pile and sort through things that are calling to be released! It’s an internal feeling of excitement mixed with beautiful discomfort and the need to stretch to create more space.

The overarching element of change is as dynamically connected to our vitality as are the small ways I naturally go about making change around me. These small shifts are equally significant in the process. Wherever there is room to wriggle or implement an action, I take it! I like to think I am signaling the universe that I am here for this. It definitely sends a signal to my brain, giving me a full body feeling of relaxation because now I am participating in this shift! AND, my fridge and closet are sparkling…Win Win!

Have you heard the phrase, “Things are going to get really messy before it get’s better”? This is my closet cleaning MO; a fresh start deserves a clean slate. When everything has been taken out, and the space and clothes/items have been smudged, what goes back in is carefully considered for its value and purpose going into the new day. If your bedroom closet needs to hold more than clothing or you are needing to be efficient with your space, an organizer could be helpful. I found an adorable organizer from Organize It All at Target that could easily give a fun urban update to room decor if needed!

Following Prompts

I have been fortunate to share wellness through aesthetics for nearly two decades from South Carolina to New York to Florida. Creating a space where a body is free to pause their stories, unwind tension and re-member the beauty of being is truly a treat. Incredibly, this art is simultaneously healing for me!

Spending my days feeling guided and relaxed in my work is a treasure. It is also part of the reason I cannot leave my own wellbeing to happenstance. This may be a bit revealing, but committing to putting my self care into my calendar is actually a relatively “new norm”. For those times my body pushed through challenging days, drawing from before-unknown reservoirs of strength when I was probably near emotional, mental and physical exhaustion, I am grateful. Now I dedicate time and effort to give myself the tools I often recommend to clients so I can lovingly sustain myself for the new chapters ahead.

When you are already running on empty, you mostly have to be very practical about the little gifts you can give. Isn’t it interesting, though, these often carry the most value? Here are a few of my favorites as well as a recent experience I loved!

  • Using high frequency sleep meditations to affect your subconscious programming. A regular go-to for me: Jason Stephenson

  • Anything that makes you sweat! When you are going through challenges or purging old ways of being, your body knows how to release toxins naturally! Sweat them out! MORE ON THIS LATER.

  • Take naps whenever you can. If it’s in the sunshine (with a hat and sunscreen!) all the better. Little bursts of rest can really make a huge difference to a brain that is already being informed by an adrenaline driven state of being.

As physical vehicles moving through space and time on a mass of matter also moving through space and time, we inevitably become purveyors of all sorts of information along the way. Traces of experiences sometimes deeply maneuver their way into our software leaving an impression or groove in our being. Unlocking stories can be a layered process and for me this process recently came to a point where I intuitively knew it was about movement…or lack thereof. I was feeling the prompt to reach out to someone when I found Anna Kaminska who facilitates several styles of modalities; one in particular I love - Spinal Energetics. During our 90min. together, I felt the ease of relaxation allowing me to identify physical points in my body holding on to outdated information. Honestly, the physical movement I experienced was much less dramatic than I expected, but the unwinding seemed to have a peaceful effect that continued on for days afterwards.

Have Fun!

Have Fun. Easier said than done?

How many of us, in our childhood version, ever imagined we would have to learn how to have fun? Yet, that is what we have to remind ourselves of at times because it is a crucial ingredient in well-being. Making time for activities that bring us joy can lead to health. Rather than achieving well-being, what if we could play our way into beautiful healthy expressions of ourselves? At the very least, wouldn't it be an idea worth the experiment?


Happy Sweat Day


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